Tree full gay movies

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We’re brought right into the tension: Phylis and Bill are selling their home and taking time apart from their relationship after Phylis struggles to adjust to retirement.

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The movie follows Phylis (Sharon Lawrence) and Bill (Treat Williams), an older couple who invite their sons, Brandon (Jonathan Bennett) and Mike (Robert Buckley), home for the two weeks leading up to Christmas to decorate the titular “Christmas House.” It’s a long-running family tradition involving a month’s worth of intensive decorating. In November, Hallmark debuted The Christmas House, its first Christmas movie with a major LGBTQ storyline. The Christmas House (Photo credit: Hallmark)įor years, all I’ve wanted is an LGBTQ Hallmark Christmas movie with all the trappings of their typical seasonal fare: external forces pushing a couple together, light family drama, holiday spirit in excess, and, of course, a predictably happy ending.

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